A blog about fashion on a budget, DIYs, And living naturally

contact me at votefortennant@gmail.com

Friday 29 June 2012

Hello internet! I have just acquired a phone and a webcam. Due to my low supply of willing photographers, this means I can finally start the blog I really wanted to. To start with, I had some plans today that I really was looking forward to, but they got cancelled last minute. Unfortunately I had gotten all prettied up before I found out I wouldn't actually be leaving the house. As a result, I decided to cam whore myself out on the internet! Here goes nothing.

sorry (not sorry) for the ballerina pose. It was definitely necessary. The skirt was thrifted, $2 I think. The shirt's an old v-neck from rag stock I had lying around. No idea where my shoes went. :)

And here I already changed into pajamas but I wanted to show you this super awesome necklace I'm wearing! I found it (it's actually a lapel pin) at a little second-hand store my family found on vacation this past weekend. I stuck the bar of the pin through the chain and voila! Perfect starkid fan necklace. I'm also quite proud of my makeup, a sweet basic look. I'm wearing brown eyeliner and mascara with generic brand white shimmer pencil on the inner corners, The Body Shop's shimmer cube eyeshadow, Neutrogena healthy skin foundation with e.l.f. primer, bronzer, and translucent powder to hold it all together. then I threw on some "rouge violet" clinique lipstick from grandma.

Hope whatever plans you have this weekend start out better than mine!


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