A blog about fashion on a budget, DIYs, And living naturally

contact me at votefortennant@gmail.com

Friday 24 August 2012

Fair way to Leave

It was my last day in Minnesota today. I'm leaving with my dad to move into my dorm in Chicago in the morning! I had a great last week though. It was topped by the State fair, which I attended with some of the best friends a girl could ever hope to have. Photo credit to Alicia. Thank you dear for helping make my day so wonderful.

Wearing: ultra un--attractive backpack for fair going, thrifted blouse tied,  meteorite necklace from M, Black knit dress from I don't even remember, and Converse shoes because of Doctor who.

I'm sitting on a giant caterpillar outside the butterfly house

I'm a juggler, I spent most of the day playing with my lunastix, they're great! You can also see the cool shoulder detail on this shirt.
My favorite part of the fair, however was these four AMAZING, lovely ladies. They are lebanese belly dancers from the Festival of Nations which was performing at the international bazar in the fair. They were gorgeous, talented, and extremely friendly. I love seeing proof that you don't have to be thin as a rail to be totally beautiful. These four were perfect examples.

A last hurrah at the fireworks. In the rain. Beautiful.


  1. Hey, I love the pictures! Maybe this Alicia should buy a legit camera & do this shizz for realzzz ... Oh wait ...
