A blog about fashion on a budget, DIYs, And living naturally

contact me at votefortennant@gmail.com

Monday 9 July 2012

Outfit of The Day: tutu time

My status on Facebook today: Give me one good reason I shouldn't wear a tutu today.

No one gave me a good reason. So here we are, hanging out in part of my costume left over from the nutcracker ballet a few years ago, perfect to feel fun and crazy on a summer day.
Im wearing a shirt from forever 21, thrifted belt, diy necklace, diy cutoff yoga shorts

fun with sepia. ignore me and my bad photo editing skills

I love when the light hits this skirt!

here's my necklace

and this is my hair, all done up, I also braided my headband today, but you can't really see it. 

Off to rehearsal now, have a lovely day!

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