A blog about fashion on a budget, DIYs, And living naturally

contact me at votefortennant@gmail.com

Saturday 7 July 2012

An Orange Affair

Today was nice. I went to my aunt and uncle's house with the family, and my uncle happens to be pretty good at working with wood. And with his help, I now have the wood pieces to make my own diablo! I just need to bolt it together and get some strings.

Anyway, we always have a good time with two smith families together. And this is the outfit I wore.

high low!

 I'm wearing an old navy dress that was on sale for $15, with a crop top from the clearance rack at kohls for $2.60. It makes it look completely different! My belt is something I've had forever, and the necklace was my moms.

 These earrings I bought from a friend who was cleaning out her old jewelry, $2.

 And this headband I got from a tap dance in our recital.

We finished up the night with some belated fourth of July fireworks in the backyard!

Also, My uncle has a huge black lab named Chester,

And this is an accurate representation of a good time with the Smiths....oh family gatherings....

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