A blog about fashion on a budget, DIYs, And living naturally

contact me at votefortennant@gmail.com

Sunday 1 July 2012

Hot Day, Cool Outfit

 So My aunt took me and my sisters to see Brave today which was absolutely incredible. I  cried at least three times, which for me is the mark of a good movie. Also, what wouldn't I give for Merida's HAIR?

Look at the Celtic goodness!

It's hot as balls in Minnesota, so I wore shorts. We had a nice day at the mall including a stop at Panera. We spent about an hour at Marbles and Air Traffic playing with juggling games. My new favorite toy is most definitely the Astrojax.

I'm wearing shorts AND t-shirt from Old Navy, and comfy summer sandals from Tradehome.

I'm quite proud of my hair today! braided my own headband successfully, and topped of my bun with a vintage silver bow.

I just got my third piercing done about a month ago so that one is being boring. :)
The bronze one is a die cast dress design, very vintage looking but I actually got them on Ebay for about $4
The middle one, tear drop is actually vintage, was my mom's in the 80s, and she got them from HER mom!

But overall my favorite piece of the day is this necklace-watch-pendant...thing. Graduation gift from mom, I thought it tied the earrings together nicely.

At any rate, this was a nice, cool outfit for a hot day, I wasn't uncomfortable and I felt great in the theater, the mall, and outside.

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